Often it is said that youth and children are the Church of tomorrow, but we recognize that they are also the church of TODAY! We seek to equip our young people to use their spiritual gifts and talents regularly in service to the Church and community.

Children’s Ministry

Your child is encouraged to remain in worship and participate with us as much as they can. Each week, our children receive a special message from our pastor just before he gives the sermon. 


Throughout the year we do offer opportunities for younger children, including VBS, Day Camp, the Children’s Christmas Program, and the annual Easter Egg Hunt.


Check back for more info on upcoming children’s events.

Teens for Christ

Grades 6-12.

Meets 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month from 5:00-7:00pm.


We meet regularly for Bible study, fun activities, and service projects.


During the year we also participate in fellowship opportunities with other NALC youth groups across the Carolinas.


A nursery is available during worship for children 3 and under who may need a space to wiggle and move their bodies.