We’d love to have you visit!
At Holy Trinity, we love visitors and guests! We also recognize that being a first time guest can be a bit uncomfortable or even overwhelming, especially if you do not know anyone. Accordingly, we would like to offer a little help as you plan your visit! Read on to discover answers to some common questions guests have had over the years.
Lutheran’s Believe
Lutherans believe that worship is not so much about what we do,
but about what God does for us.
We simply respond in prayer and praise to the God
who comes down to give Himself for us.
Lutherans believe that something very special occurs when two or more Christians gather together in Jesus’ name. Here, the resurrected Jesus promises to be present with us in a unique and intimate way.
In this public gathering of God’s people, as a remembrance of the first Easter morning, we meet Christ and receive His gifts of forgiveness, hope, and life. We meet with others who need God’s gracious help and together hear the Word proclaimed, sung and lifted up in prayer, and praise God for all He has given to us in Christ Jesus our Lord.
That is why worship is central to living as a Christian. As we respond to the Third Commandment, ‘Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy’, we honor and love God by gladly hearing His word, receiving His sacraments and being strengthened to go into the world and proudly bear His holy name.

Times & Location
531 Church St.
Little Mountain, SC 29075
Sunday Worship
10:30am in person and live-streamed on our website.
Sunday School
9:15am in the parish life building; classes for all ages!
Nursery care is available for Sunday school and worship for children 3 years old and under.
We would like to extend a personal invitation to come join us for our services. In fact, we would love for you to consider making us your new church family.

Frequently Asked Questions
What do I wear?
You’ll find a variety of styles at Holy Trinity. Some members wear suits and dresses every Sunday, while others dress more casually in jeans or slacks. We simply invite you to come as you are!
Once I arrive, where should I go?
If you come for Sunday school, head into the parish building behind the sanctuary. Once inside, you’ll see our classrooms are marked for each Sunday school class.
If you arrive for worship, come to the front doors of the sanctuary located on Church Street. From there, our greeters and ushers can help you find a seat and get settled.
How long is the service?
Expect the worship service, from beginning to end, to last between an hour and an hour and fifteen minutes.
How can I give to your church?
An offering is taken during the worship service. You may also give online on the “Giving” page on this website, or send your check to Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, P.O. Box 186, Little Mountain, SC 29075.
Do you live stream the services?
Yes. Holy Trinity streams all Sunday services to YouTube and our website. Our “Watch Live” page can be viewed here or at the very top of this website.
How can I get involved?
Please check our “Ministries” section for a list of ways to get involved. You can also view our calendar to see times and events that are scheduled. In addition, you are welcome to contact the church office for more information. Our email is office@holytlc.org and our phone number is (803) 345-2841.
What is there for my children?
We believe that the sound of children during worship is one of the most pleasant sounds to hear! Your child is encouraged to remain in worship and participate with us as much as they can.
Each week, our children receive a special message from our pastor just before he gives the sermon. During this time, the theme for the day is related in a way your child can understand.
Older children serve in worship by helping to acolyte (light candles) and read the appointed Scripture lessons.
Do you have a Nursery?
A nursery is available during worship for children 3 and under who may need a space to wiggle and move their bodies.
Have Questions?
If you would like more information before you arrive, feel free to call the Church at (803) 345-2841 or fill out the form below. Someone would be glad to assist you.
If you are visiting in person and have questions, see one of our greeters or ushers. They will be more than happy to help you with any question you may have.