“We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us-…Read More
“We offer with joy and thanksgiving what you have first given us--ourselves, our time, and our possessions...”
Stewardship is an individual’s response to the blessings God has given to all His people and how we can best share those blessings with our neighbors. On September 1st, surveys will be made available to each of our families before the start of Worship. Please complete the survey and return it by September 30th. You may place your survey in the offering plate or return it to the church office.
Parents, this is a wonderful opportunity to talk with your children about the importance of giving back to the Lord. We ask that you please help your children complete the form. The completed surveys will be used to help church leaders connect members with ministries they have gifts for, as well as to complete the servant list, volunteer calendars, and committee appointments for the coming year.
May God bless us as we use our time, talents, treasures, and testimony to preach, teach, and serve in Christ’s name.
Join us on September 15th as we kick off the Sunday School year with b…Read More
Join us on September 15th as we kick off the Sunday School year with breakfast and more! The fun starts in the TLC at 9:15am. Sunday School teachers will also be recognized during 10:30am worship.
Happy Mountaineers will meet on Thursday, September 19th, at 10am in t…Read More
Happy Mountaineers will meet on Thursday, September 19th, at 10am in the TLC.